Tag Archives: transformation

12 Steps to an Intentional Life

12 Steps to an Intentional Life

Image courtesy of mapichai / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

It’s January 2014.  

(Ok, its almost February.)

But, it’s the year I’m going to make lasting changes in my life.  I’m on a quest for  “follow through” in my life.  So, I’ve decided to follow through with ONE thing each month.  By the end of the year, I will have succeeded in achieving 12 of my personal goals for living an intentional life.  There is SO much more I want to be intentional with, but we all have to start somewhere.  So I’ve decided to be intentional with 12 IMPORTANT ISSUES in my life.  All of which I want to do RIGHT NOW.  But, as you and I both know, wanting it all and having it all, unfortunately, don’t always occur at the same time.  So, I’m going to be patient with myself and allow some room for habit formation.

I am working on developing habits with my children this month as well. It is said it takes 60 days to establish something as habit.  I’ve shortened it to 30 days each to make this a month-by-month process.

I CAN do this.

Maybe not in my own strength, but I am reminded that “I CAN do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13.  Even yesterday, I was doubting myself in something and I heard that voice in my head say, “I just don’t know how to change.”  But quickly, God whispered in my heart, ” But I do.  Trust ME.”  Oh, the sweetness and stillness it brought to my soul to know that I could release that which I was struggling with to a God who truly KNOWS me and believes in me, more than I believe in myself most days.  He knows my limitations.  He knows where I am weak.  It is then, that He is strong and ALL the glory for my transformation will be given to Him.  Praise God for his everlasting grace and mercy!

So…Here goes everything!  A new year for a NEW ME!  Yippee!  Let the transformation begin!

I will be posting monthly on each habit to keep myself accountable.

Step 1: January

Make my bed.

Step 2: February

Plan meals weekly.

Step 3: March

Drink 64oz water daily.

Step 4: April

Clean up after every meal. Including washing off table and counters, washing dishes

Step 5: May

Unload and load the dishwasher daily and put away dry dishes at end of day.

Step 6: June

Smile. Often.  Especially at my husband and children.

Step 7: July

Have a date night once a month with my husband.

Step 8: August

Have a one-on-one date with each child once a month

Step 9: September

Maintain good posture.

Step 10: October

Put ALL laundry away at end of laundry day.

Step 11: November

Be thankful.  Write down 3 things DAILY that I am thankful for and verbalize them out loud.

Step 12: December

Find an opportunity for our family to serve once this month.

So, there you have it.  12 months.  12 goals.  12 life transforming steps.

Let the journey begin…

What steps can you take to a “New You” for 2014?


Don’t Just Be….Become

image courtesy of wiangya/freedigitalphotos.net

image courtesy of wiangya/freedigitalphotos.net

“Don’t just Be…Become, ” were the words I said to my husband about a month ago.  We were discussing some dreams and desires we had for ourselves and that sentence just flew out of my mouth.  I paused and then I said it again, this time I listened to what I was saying.  I don’t just want to “BE”….I want to “BECOME”.  To “BE’ means to exist, to be alive.  Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with existing or being alive.  I’m quite thankful for both.  But, it sounds so stagnant.  I questioned myself…is that ALL we were meant for? I think not.  Rather, to “BECOME” means to undergo a change or development!  That was it.  That was a turning point.  Since then, I started taking a look at where I am and where I want to be.  I realized several things; first that I am amazingly blessed!  We have a beautiful healthy family and being a stay at home mom is what I’ve always dreamed of.  I have a devoted, involved and loving husband who inspires me and encourages me in everything, I have a wonderful family and a fabulous group of friends.  The second is that I’m a habitual “non-follow-througher”, an “I can’t-er”.  I find myself wishing and hoping and wanting and too often, not accomplishing, doing or following through.  I’ve set New Year’s Resolutions and failed at following through with them.  I think of so many home ideas, activities or memories I want to create for my family but instead find myself saying…”I wish I could…” or “I would love to be able to…” “why can’t I…” or “I wish I would have”.    Too often I find myself feeling disappointed and discouraged.

I’m ready to BECOME the woman God wants me to be!  Am I the wife, mom, daughter, sister, or friend that I am supposed to be, that I should be?  Am I living my life with intention and purpose?  I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to miss out on this beautiful life God has given me TODAY.  I want to be intentional, to live life on purpose, to be disciplined.  I’m exhausted from waking each day without a plan and purpose.  This is my journey.  My journey to follow through, to finish what I start, to be intentional with my days, and to pursue life change through God’s word! I want to be a real life do-er!  And my journey begins right now, right here, this moment!  The best part is that I don’t pursue this intentional life alone.  God is with me every step of this journey.  He is my biggest encourager, guide and inspiration.  And I am so thankful He also uses people to encourage us on our journey as well.  Your life is entirely different from my own, but ladies, we are on the same team!  We were created to encourage each other, to live life in relationship and to build each other up!  I’m ready to make some purposeful changes in my life.  Let’s do this together!   Let’s impact our  lives, our families, our world, one small finished task at a time.  Are you ready?  Let us pursue an intentional life….together!