A Sticky Situation


Since shortly after Christmas, a pair of my daughter’s flannel reindeer PJ’s have been staring at me from the kitchen counter.  They have been on my “TO DO” list.  Fortunately for me, I discovered 2 bandaids  stuck to the leg just before I threw them into the washing machine.  I started widdling the bandaids away with a paring knife.  No, I didn’t make much progress.  So they’ve sat on the counter.  For two weeks.  Staring at me.  Reminding me, that I need to figure out a way to get them off before winter is over.

So, as any good mom does, I decided to google it tonight!  And I discovered that if you rub hand lotion all over the surface of the bandaid and along the edges, the band aid will come right off.  Well, I was a bit skeptical, but I tried it.  And guess what?

IT WORKED! Fabulously!

I still used the paring knife to help lift them off, but it worked amazingly well! So well, that I wanted to pass it along.

So for all moms who have kids who love to play with bandaids….you will do well to remember this.  Because at some point, you too will be in a “sticky situation”.


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