I can not remember a time when I didn’t have a heart for adoption. As a child, I used to watch “Feed the Children” and beg my mother to adopt a child from Africa. . I used to watch those children starving and suffering and my heart melted at their needs. I was fascinated by their culture, how they lived in those tiny huts and why they had big tummies and flies swarming their faces. I knew as a small girl that someday I would help one of those children in need. I would save up my pennies to be able to bring one home. As you can probably guess, that didn’t happen,
Well, we never adopted any children from Africa, although, the Lord led me there on a mission trip to Kenya in 2005. but my love for adoption and the deep seated desire God placed in my heart grew and grew As a single woman in my 20s, I used to tell people that God was giving me more of a heart for adoption than to birth my own children.
So intense was my desire, that on our first date in July 2007, I told my soon-to-be husband that God was clearly directing me to adopt. He of course, didn’t have much of an opinion that first day, but after about a year of marriage, God started opening his heart to the idea as well. In the fall of 2009, while simultaneously trying to start our own biological family, God led us to start our adoption process through Inheritance Adoptions, a private Christian adoption agency in our town. For a year and a half, through devastating news about my own physical health, the likely inability to have children, failed infertility treatments and 2 failed adoptions with the same baby, God opened the flood gates of heaven and poured into our lives 2 amazingly beautiful children through adoption.
We received a call from our pediatrician’s wife, telling us about a little boy in her office that was going to be adoptable through child protective services (CPS) and advised us to call
Our daughter was born June 24, 2011. We brought our beautiful girl home from the hospital on June 25th and on September 8, 2 months later, God brought into our lives a 14 month old adorable little boy, whom we adopted as well. We went from zero to 2 in 2 1/2 months. As if transitioning into parenthood of a toddler and baby simultaneously wasn’t enough, SUPRISE!, I found out I was pregnant in February 2012. And our 3rd (and final I might add!) adorable, happy baby boy was born October 1, 2012. Three children in 15months. Whew! Its a beautiful God story! One people are inspired to hear and read about. (Read the rest of the story on my Adoption page).